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Founded in 2015, ALTA Consulting is a boutique management consulting firm that helps companies engineer revenue and reach their potential. We specialize in working with companies in Technology and Professional Services verticals that need assistance with strategy and are looking to grow sales and marketing capabilities.

Hi there… I’m Gord Smith and I’m the Founder of ALTA Consulting. Let me start the ALTA story by telling you where I am today: I’m on a mission to help small and mid-sized companies reach their potential through leadership development and sales and marketing strategy growth.

I began my entrepreneurial career while studying at Wilfrid Laurier University. Looking to do something wildly different for a summer job I was one of the first franchisees at College Pro Window Cleaners. Turned out to be a great way to pay my way through school and the experience of running my own business was a pivotal moment.

Following graduation, I headed into the corporate world and a 25+ year career in sales and marketing, including leadership positions at NCR, SAP, Siebel Systems, Deloitte, Ideaca, and Hitachi. Most of my career was spent specializing in the professional services, high-tech, and financial services industries and so it is fitting that ALTA Consulting gravitates toward the Professional Services and Tech sectors.

Scattered along the way, I kept looking for more “wildly different” experiences and embarked on several entrepreneurial ventures - a retail venture, a start-up software company, a property development company, and a consulting company (Ideaca). As a partner at Ideaca, I helped grow the company to $60 million in revenue which led to a successful acquisition by Hitachi in 2014.

Following the acquisition of Ideaca, I was driven to once again draw on my entrepreneurial passion to embark on a new journey. ALTA Consulting was born!


In all of the mid-sized companies I’ve worked in, or with, there has been a common theme. Growth stalls due to issues around leadership development, scalable processes and systems, and marketing. In order to reach their potential, entrepreneurs, need help with leadership, growth, sales, and marketing. ALTA is here with a team of deeply experienced go-getters who can help in all of these areas!


Our Story


Our Core Values

Figure it out


Courage to experiment


No Egos, More Fun


Tell the kind truth

Be the client

Be the client

Beyond expectations

Go Big or Go Home


We are a seasoned team of sales and marketing professionals that challenge and support one another while also pushing ourselves to be the best we can be, personally and professionally, working hard for our clients and building on activities that strengthen our team enabling us to steer your company towards increasing ROI.

Our Team
Gord-Managing Director (1)
Gord Smith

Managing Director

Places I've lived: 

Scarborough, Waterloo, Windsor, South Carolina, Pickering, Collingwood.

Happiest when:

Any time cycling, in a sea flea or on some ice.

Ask me about:

Growth, Business Strategy, Sales Strategy, Leadership Development, CRM.

If I was a superhero my superpower might be:


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Janet Smith

Partner, Business Operations

Places I've lived: 

Perth, Waterloo, Columbia South Carolina, Toronto, Pickering, Collingwood.

Happiest when:

Hanging out with my 20 somethings - around a campfire, on the dock, on a hike or at a pub!

Ask me about:

Hiring great people.

If I was a superhero my superpower might be:

I'm an editing machine. Have never met a sentence I couldn't make better.

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Abhitej Singh

Sales and Strategy Consulting Manager

Places I've lived: 

Delhi, Richmond Hill, Toronto.

Happiest when:

Pushing a car to the limit on a fast corner of a racetrack or hanging out with my parents and brother.

Ask me about:

Business Strategy, Sales Strategy, Process Design, CRM.

If I was a superhero my superpower might be:


Jimena_MarketingAnalyst_low (1)
Jimena Calderon

Marketing Consultant

Places I've lived: 

Southern Ontario and Mexico City.

Happiest when:

Family and friends join us for a glass of wine and a good meal.

Ask me about:

Marketing Strategies, Project Management, Digital Marketing, Content Marketing.

If I was a superhero my superpower might be:


Manan Sharma
Manan Sharma

Associate Consultant

Places I've lived: 

Ahmedabad, Toronto.

Happiest when:

Working as a consultant and helping companies achieve their ambitions.

Ask me about:

Consulting, Engineering, International Relations, and Formula 1.

If I was a superhero my superpower might be:

Aura Reading. See and interpret the 'aura' or energy field around people, allowing you to gauge their emotions, and health or even see glimpses of their thoughts.

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