Holiday Season During A Pandemic? Expect Higher Spending Than Last Year
McKinsey & Company conducted consumer research that may surprise you about the upcoming holiday season.
39% of consumers say they will spend more than last year on special shopping days
48% say they make their holiday purchase(s) based on better pricing and promotions
31% are planning to rely on social media for their purchase ideas
Digital Is Top-Priority For Holiday Shopping Events
This article out of McKinsey & Company details a four domino sequence that sales leaders inside of top organizations are adopting to improve sales ROI by up to 20%. The first step involves creating a commercial hub for your sales leaders to draw continuous insights from, leading to higher quality opportunities. Building an engine for insights is a critical component of automating opportunity.
Insights out of HubSpot and Campaign Monitor show staggering info about how buyers decide what to buy on Black Friday & Cyber Monday.
61% of buyers click on one or more Black Friday specific ads
38% of those that click on a Black Friday ad convert to purchase
20% of website visits during the holidays come from email marketing campaigns
21% of buyers claim social media is where they saw an ad for something they bought
It’s projected that 2020 will have over 33% more online spend during the holidays than 2019
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